1. My current biggest parenting fear is that when we have another child I won't love them as much as I love Chase. I can't possibly imagine that I could love this much twice over but every mom I know says that it always works out. Granted I hate to say it but I never really did comprehend how it would feel to be a mom until I was one so maybe I just can't comprehend how it would feel to be the mother of two yet. I think feelings that strong are just hard to explain...
2. I hate to say it because it is not very politically correct but I am terrified of having a chronically ill or special needs child. I guess having a kid seems challenging enough without added difficulties. I'm sure when you are faced with something like that you step up to the plate but the idea is scary.
3. Twins...I'm sure that is all I need to say...
4. Oddly the idea of being a single mother or raising a kid alone is also terrifying to me. I rely on my husband, friends, and family to help out with my kiddo so much that I don't know if I could handle trying to do it all alone.
I guess this isn't the cheeriest of topics (neither was the other topic) but maybe it just isn't the cheeriest of books...